Build Your Business While Working or Studying Full Time!

Are you currently working or studying full time? For most people, they feel like they don’t have enough time to build their business if they also have a full time work/study load.

However, let’s be honest for a minute here. Most successful companies were started by people who worked a full time job.

These people developed their entrepreneurial skills on the side. After all, we all have to start somewhere. And most of these successful business owners built their business at home, or in their parents home, or even the garage.

But these people also worked a full time job in order to pay the bills and keep the lights on. Most people want to start their own business. But most don’t. And the most common excuse is that they’re getting held back by their jobs.

But here’s the thing. A job isn’t holding you back. I’ll say it again.

A job isn’t holding you back.

Thinking that a job is holding you back is the wrong mindset if you’re trying to build your business. Instead, a job is the fuel that will keep your dreams going when you start your business.

Think about it this way. If you didn’t have a pay check, you would need to raise money to build your business. But if you have a paycheck, you can think about actually running your business, and focusing on the things that actually matter.

You can have a full time job and still have time to build your business.
Having a full time job does not mean you can’t build your business.

Yes, your full time job will take up a lot of your time and effort. However, it’s there to help you transition from working for your employer to working for yourself.

And let’s be honest, a full time job doesn’t actually take up that much of your time either.

There’s Plenty Of Time For You To Build Your Business

There are 24 hours in a day, or 168 hours a week. You’ll spend 40 hours a week at your job, and let’s assume you spend two hours a day on the commute. That’s 50 hours a week total.

Let’s assume you sleep for 8 hours a day, or 56 hours a week.

That’s only 106 hours in total. You still have 62 hours a week left over. Use it wisely.

Every week, you have 62 hours you can use to work on your business.

Use calendars and timetables to help schedule your week.
There’s 168 hours in a week. Use some of it to build your business!

Even if that’s not possible, (after all, you’ll probably need to eat, go to the bathroom, and spend some time relaxing), surely you can spare 14 hours a week to work on your business? That’s only two hours a day.

Even if you can’t spare two hours a day, what about an hour every day? What about 30 minutes a day?

A full time job isn’t a valid reason to not start a business.

Here’s your challenge for this year. Start your business. Start small. Think of your business name. Come up with your logo. Think of what products or services you can provide.

Don’t let excuses run your life. Go on, take the first step. After all, what’s the worst that could happen?

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