Making Money 10c at a Time

10c might not sound like a lot of money.

But 10c in your pocket is still making you 10c richer. Maybe you’re still in high school with only a casual job making $10/hr. Or maybe you’re in a desperate situation in your life which requires desperate measures.

While you might think that 10c isn’t a lot of money (and we totally agree), it can definitely be the start of something bigger. 10c, on top of 10c, on top of another 10c, and so on, and soon you’ll have an extra $100!

Who knows? You might even turn that 10c into a million-dollar business.

Besides, this method of ‘getting rich quick’ is an extremely easy, and completely legal method of making money!!

What on Earth are we talking about? The Containers for Change program of course!!

Containers for Change Logo
Containers for Change is a recycling initiative that rewards people who return their old drink cans and bottles. Credit: Containers For Change

The 10c Method of Making Money

The Containers for Change Program is an initiative that encourages people to recycle their drink containers. For every 10c eligible container you return, you get a refund of 10c. To learn more about how it works, click here.

Most Australian states and territories have a container deposit scheme in place, including South Australia, New South Wales, Queensland, ACT, Western Australia, and Northern Territory. Tasmania and Victoria are the only two states without a container refund scheme currently in place. However, Tasmania is starting their container refund initiative this year, while Victoria’s refund scheme will begin next year.

Impressively, South Australia started their refund scheme 45 years ago in 1977!

How To Turn Old Bottles Into Money

You might think that it is a waste of time walking around and picking up bottles for 10c each. And you’re absolutely right. However, you simply need to use your imagination to see how you can turn it into a profitable business.

For example, think of how many people will order a drink at a restaurant or bar. Reach out to the owner of the restaurant/bar and ask them to set aside the cans and bottles for you. Do this for a couple of stores in your area.

At the end of each night, simply drive around to each business and collect their ‘trash’. Once you’ve gathered a sufficient number of bottles, simply return the cans and bottles for your payday.

Water bottle eligible for 10c cash refund
Water bottles can make you rich, 10c at a time.

Just like they say, “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure’.

Depending on the day and the number of businesses you’ve collaborated with, you can easily earn $50 or more a night.

Concluding Thoughts

This is what it means to be an entrepreneur. You see a problem, and think of how you can monetise the solution. Yes 10c isn’t a lot, but in large quantities, they can quickly add up. Besides, it doesn’t take up too much of your time either.

While this article might seem like a free advertisement for the Containers for Change program, or encouraging you to work for 10c, it’s so much more. It’s teaching you to be financially free. Because to be financially free, you must think outside the box. You must approach every problem, and every opportunity, with the attitude that it could make you financially free.

But you also must be in the right mindset as well. Not sure what the right mindset is? Check out this article here to learn how to develop the same mindset as rich individuals.

For more information on the Containers For Change initiative, visit

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