How To Become Rich

Have you ever wanted to be rich?

Of course you have. And so has everybody else. But have you ever asked yourself why?

Knowing that you want to be rich is the first step to becoming rich. But that’s all that is. THE FIRST STEP. And it’s a very easy step to take as well.

What comes next is the difficult part – actually getting rich.

Getting wealthy takes a lot of time, effort, and discipline.

Getting rich quick is not a thing. People who tell you that they can help get you rich fast are full of shit. The only way of getting rich fast is either through luck (lottery, a lucky investment, etc) or something illegal like dealing drugs.

The only method of getting rich legally, proven time and time again, is to put in a lot of hard work and discipline. But you will also encounter setbacks and challenges on your journey to riches. This is the difficult part. It’s easy to be motivated when it’s easy. But what happens when you are inevitably faced with challenges?

To overcome these challenges, you must know your why. Why do you want to become rich? Why are you doing the things you’re doing?

Know WHY you want to become rich
To become rich, you must know your why.

If you don’t have a strong why, you’ll give up all too easily when faced with obstacles. You’ll give up when you encounter your first challenge. You’ll make excuses to justify your reason for giving up.

“It’s too hard”. “I don’t know what I’m doing”. “This will never work”.

All excuses.

The only way you can overcome these challenges is by having a good reason why. For example, I once knew of a young boy who had a dream of being a touring musician. He would spend two to three hours every day practicing his guitar.

On the weekends, instead of partying or going out with friends, he would spend hours writing and rewriting songs or learning new guitar techniques. He would also play at local bars and meet with other musicians to bounce off ideas.

Even when things got tough, he kept going. And it’s because he had a why. A why that was strong enough to overcome any challenges or barriers. A why that justified his sacrifices of having fun like his peers.

Guitar player practising
Knowing your why will keep you disciplined on your journey to riches.

So how will knowing this help me become rich?

So back to the original question. You want to be rich. But have you ever asked why? Is it clearly defined and articulated?

For most people, the reasons why they want to become rich is because they don’t want:

  • To be dependent on their job
  • To work their entire lives

Other reasons why they want to become rich is because they want:

  • Bigger and better things
  • To live the lifestyle they’ve always wanted
  • Greater control over their time and life in general
  • More time to spend with their friends and family
  • To travel the world
  • Want to be financially free
Rich house and car
What’s your reason for wanting to become rich?

So what’s your why? What’s your reason for wanting to become rich? When the going gets tough, what’s your reason to keep on going?

If you truly want to become wealthy, you will first need to ask yourself what your reason is to become wealthy.

To help you come up with a strong and clear reason why you want to become rich, you can jot down all the reasons you can possibly think of. What do you want in life? What don’t you want in life.

If you can find the right reason, one that is strong and clearly defined, then you’ll find a way to become rich. You’ll be disciplined and motivated to show up every day, even on the days where you really don’t want to. You’ll be able to come up with creative solutions every time you encounter a problem or obstacle. You might even surprise yourself at what you can overcome.

But remember, you can’t achieve wealth without a good reason. You’ll get lost without a purpose, you’ll just wander around aimlessly and give up when the going gets tough.

So if you truly want to become rich, then take the time today to find your reason for getting rich.

Best of luck!

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